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Cubic Meter vs Cubic / Board Feet?

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Timbeter can utilize both the metric and imperial measurements systems to calculate your timber volumes thus providing you with the calculated result whether it be in cubic meters, cubic feet or board feet.

The unit system changes will only affect the platform that it was made on. So for example, if you change the unit system in the Storage module then the changes will only apply on the Storage module. You will need to change the unit system separately in the app.

To change the unit system in the Storage module, you first need to navigate to My account. You can do that by clicking the gear icon at the top right hand corner of the page.

There you should see an option to change to your preferred unit system.

In the app you can switch between these three unit systems by tapping the three dots in the upper right hand corner and selecting settings.

Once you are in the settings menu, you can see a Unit system option. You can choose either metric or imperial from there. To choose between cubic feet and board feet however, you need to first pick the imperial system.